Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fair Update for May 15th

We are exactly 1 month from the fair and things are starting to come together. Each class is responsible for a stall and they are as follows:
KG1 - Bean Bag Toss
KG2A - Face Painting
KG2B - Rock Climbing
KG3A - Magic Show
KG3B - Petting Zoo
KG4 - Lucky Dip
Class 1 - Candy, Sweets, Tea Stall
Class 2 - Plant Stall
Class 3 - Tombola
Class 4 - Variety Stall

Some of these stalls will require volunteer help, and others will run themselves. There are still many stalls we will need to put together that will need volunteers. These include:
Book Stall
Drink Stall
Video Games/Arcade
Popcorn/Cotton Candy Stall
Other games for kids

Jumping tents are organized for the day, and we are hoping to get a clown that will do balloon animals for the kids.

Tickets and posters are currently being made. We are hoping put these up and sell tickets 2 weeks before the event so it is still fresh in the minds of those thinking of coming.

We are still taking in gently used items and prizes right up until the week before the fair, so please feel free to drop any of these things off at the office. As well, we are collecting napkins, drinks and popcorn bags at this point. Soil has also been delivered to the school for us to put into planters and start seedlings or transplant plants.

We are planning a Parent Meeting for Saturday, June 6th at 5:00pm. This meeting is to be held at Surfer's Bay and kids are welcome as there is an area for them to play and a movie will be available for them to watch. We would like to use this time to meet about the fair and get everyone on board, then take the opportunity to spend some social time together as well. We will provide more information as the date draws nearer.

Have a great week!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fair Update for May 1st

Fair plans are still underway - we have recently sent out notices to companies asking for donations for the fair. Many parents are bringing in items and the PTA shop is filling quickly. Friday meetings are used for discussion and sorting items to store around the school. Please continue to bring in clothes and books and toys for the sale. While we hope to get some support from a plant nursery, now is a good time to start planting seedlings so that they will be a good size come the day of the fair.
We are also working on creating a sign up sheet to send home so that you can sign up to help out for a small portion of the fair - please watch for it.
We could use more tents and chairs on the day, if you know of anyone that can donate these, please let us know.
Besides being a fundraiser, we are hoping to make this a fun day for our kids to remember, and we thank all of you for your encouragement and support.

A Renewed Library for the Students

Recently, we went in and reorganized the books in the library, discarding damaged books and creating a comfortable space where the students will have access to a greater number of books. There are many great titles for the kids to enjoy, but some areas could use a bit of a boost. If you have any non-fiction books or newer chapter books for Class 1 to Class 3, the library would be most grateful.